Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

I u D A s Repentance. 39 did in //dig, and then it makes us ficke. This fhould therefore move men to take heed how they turne faile for their owne advantage. Suppofe by going from God thou getteft what thou wouldeft , yet God can make that comfort to prove but a burthen unto thee, as he did Iudas.his thirty flyer peeces. Be therefore content ter lofe all before thou lofe God. Now followes the event of all, flee went and hanged hinsfelfe. Whence learne, That God; wrath avd fnne are exceeding terrible and unfupportable, when they arc once charged vn the confcience. This made Was to hang himfelfe. Doe but a little confider mans nature, how loth to deftroy himfelfe, how afraid to be killed, and you (hall find it to bee force greate matter that mutt caufe him to make an end of himfclfc, and to call hinafelfe into that which he feared ; namely, hell thus heavie is finne when God once chargeth it on the confci- ence, that it maketh a man doe all this. indeed finne was as heavie before, but then lay at oar foot, and we felt it not ;but when Godlayes it once on our (boulders, and on our Confciences, then (hall wee feele the burthen thereof to be farre be- y ond all torments that can be imagined. See this in Chri(t,when God did but charge our fnnes on him, how intollerable were they `e Now for your better underftanding of this point, Gß I` Yf Dell: