Tu D A s epentance. I will fire Thew you what this horror ofconfci- ence is ; which I will doe by explaning thefe five queations following. ueJ1.r By what manes is this horror of confcience wronghte Anfw Two wayes : fometimes by Gods owne fpirit; fometimes by Saran. Firf}, it's done by Gods owne Spirit, whenby it the mind is enlightned to fee that he is in bondage by reafon of finne ; Hence it is, that it is called the Spirit of bondage, Rom. 8. Secondly, and more frequently, by Satan when hee, by Gods permilïion, doth vexe and terrifie the foules of men, and drive them to difpàiré and this is called horror, and the vexing of the foule. Now whether this horror of confcience bee wrought by Gods owne Spirit,or by Satan,we may know by thefe foure differences : i If wee find any falfhood mingled with this trouble" of còhtcience, then it comes from the Di- vell ; for the Holy Ghoft mingles no falfhood, but onely enlightens, and fhewes the truth :light makes a thing feeme as it is. 2 You may difcerne of it by the aíl'eaion it ftriketh in us ; for that that the Divell caufeth in us , ftriketh a hatred of God ; but that that Gods Spirit worketh in us , caufeth a fervile feare. 3 You may know it by the extremity of an- guiTh it caufeth ; Gods Spirit worketh by meeke neffe and confolarion; but the Divell worketh by extremity of terror and feare. 4 You