Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

IUD A s c4pentance. 4 You may knowe it by the manner ofdoing; for the Divell Both it diforderly, fuddenly and vio- lently, without any equality ; but the Spirit pro - ceedeth orderly: firít,it enlighrneth the rmnde, and then it raifeth objeF.tions and fo goeth on by a lit - tle and a little; but the Divell worketh violently. Hence is that that Satan is faid to buffet Pad; for all buffeting betokeneth violence. Indeed, fome- time the Spirit doth unequally , but yet there is a great difference betweene Satans working and his. What is to bee thought of fuch a conditìone I anfwer, That fuch a condition being limply in it. felfe confidered , is very miferable; becaufe it Char-veal and draweth the heart away from God, yea,and from Chrift,who is the end of Gods works and fo therefore mull needs be a molt haynous fin; but yet as God ufeth it, it is a fagne, or one of the ñr(t Reps to faith ; and a good meanes to fubdue and weaken theftubbornneffe of our hearts. 2,eft, How may wee know whether God in- tends this for a puniíhment , or for a preparation of I graces Anf You may know it by the event; for when God doth it for the falvation of the creature, then after it there followes grace ; but if it brings not grace after it, if there be onely a plowing and no harvelt , the pricking with a Needle,and no shred, then it's a fparke of hell fire ,and the very prxlm- dium of hell. What fhall wee then thinke of thole that never G 3 had 2. .113