l u D A S ':Repentance. be in this cafe after he is in the eftate of grace, or note I anfwer, That this extremity of horror which rd ai here tatted of, never befalls the child of God after he is in the efface of grace; and my reafon is this, Becaufe that as perfeet love lift, there is no feare; fo where there is fome love,xcafteth out all perfect feare. Indeed 'Gods children are never wholly without feare, Rom.8. yet intheirgreateft feare there is in them the root of comfort remain- ing. There are many examples that may bee brought to prove the fame , but I know none like that of our Saviour Chrift, who although hee was in fuch unfpeakable horror of confcience, that it made him cry out, sy God, my God, rvhy haßi thou forfaken mec? yet this horror was mingled with faith, comfort, and the affurance of Gods favour. So Gods Children may have fuch forrow, and be fo drunken with wormewood, that it may make them not to know what to doe; yet in all this griefe the fier of Gods love is not quite extingui- thed,.but there' are forne fparkes thereof remaining under there afhes. Here is a Caveat tobegiven of two things. Firft, Let thofe that are in this difpofìtion of minde, take heed of that that Satan in this condi- tion may labour to bring us unto; for then they are in a difeafe; and thofe that are in a difeafe, in- cline unto fomething : Take heed then of pollu- ting the Sabbath and other finnes that hee may in- tice thee to, for Sands and 'Eger differ, the one de- fares Carear.