Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

IuDAs Repentance. fires one thing the other another. Secondly , Something muff bee done pofitively for the healing of our griefe : when that wee are in forrow , wee muff pitch it upon the proper obje &, to wit , finne ; and put away all worldly forrow, for that bringeth death; but forrow for finne, that bringeth life. All thefe things thus being expounded, the point is manifest, Thatfinne and Gods nrsth being charged on the con - fcience, are exceeding terrible. Indeed, when the burthen lyes on the ground, we feele it nor, butwhen it lyes on our fhoulders So, before this horror is charged on the confci- ence wee feele it not , but then it is exceeding ter- rible. It is with griefe as it is with joy : There are three things in all joy. x There is a good thing. 2 There is the conjuntion of that good thing to us. 3 A refle4 knowledge therof. So alfo in gtie f e there are three things. There is a bad thing. z The conjun6lion of that to us. 3 The refl;; ding of the underfianding,whet- by wee know the hurt that comes to us thereby. When a man fecles, and fees, and knowes his finne;