001,111Ppr, IUD A S Aepentance. finne,then it unfupportable, and the reafon there- ofis, becaufe that then a mans fpirit is wounded, and cannot beare it felfe. The Reafons of this point are thefe three: Firft , becaufe that finne and Gods wrath are in themfelves the greateft evil) , as righteoufne(fe and Gods favour are the greateft good : Men may thinke that punifhmentwere the greateft evill , but it is not ; for that is but the effeì of finne , finne is the caufe thereof ; now wee know that the caufe is alwayes greater than thee((& : Now when God (hall open our eyes to fee this finne and Gods wrath, then it will be an infupportable burthen. This is the reafon that at the day of Iudgement the wicked (hall cry , Hills and Mountaines fall upon us , to hide us from the prefence of the Iudge , becaufe that then God (hall open their eyes to fee their fines ; which if hee fhould doe now while they are heere on earth , would make them cry, out as much. As it is with comfort, fo it is with griefe : If wee know not of it , it aff ¿ts us nor : As the Army that was about Gehe zai it cotnfortech not him , becaufe hee faw it not : So for griefe ; although hell and damnation be about us , yet if wee fee it not ., wee doe not regard it. The fecond Reafon is taken from Gods manner of working on the fpiric of the creature ; hee then leaveth it ; now wee are to know, That the grea- teft comfort the Creature hath , is the fruition of Gods prefence,and the greateft griefe is his abfence Red .r. Reut: .