Re af. V IUD A s Repentance. if wee want that , wee are deprived of all comfort; as if the Sunne be abfent , wee are deprived of all light. If there were but a little comfort remaining , that would fèrve to hold the head above the water; but if all comfort be gone, it then prefently fink - eth.. The proper object of feare and griefe,is the abfence of good, and prefenceofevill, and both them come by the privation of Gods prefence. The third Reafon is taken from the nature of confcience it felfe when it is awakened,becaufe that then it is fenfible of the leaft finne for every fa- culty , as it is larger, fo it is more capable of joy and griefe ; therefore men are Paid to be more capable of joy and griefe , than the bruit beads ; and in man the foule is more capable than the body ; and in the foule, confcience of all other parts moft ca- pable 3 and as the confcience is capable of the greateft griefe, fo alto of the greateft comfort; it is capable of the peace of God ,which pafl'eth all underftanding. And furely this horror of confci- ence is nothing elfe but a fparke of hell fire, which the Heathen had force inkling of, when they fayd they were exagitated with the furies. Seeing then that the wrath of God is thus infup- portable,this fhould teach us in all things efpecially to labour to keepe a good confcience, and to labour to be free from the guilt of finne : if the wrath of God be the greateft evils, then fhould the whole & reame of our indeavours be to take heeds thereof by labouring for to keepe a pure confcience : Pro- portion your care herein to the good that will come