I U D A S T epentance. 47 come thereby ; it will bring the unfpeakeable comfort ; without this labour to keepe a good confcience , thou wilt never have- thy heart perfcét; therefore labour for it, confider the good it bring - eth. Men bufie their heads h-,re t o the utmott for other things, as for Learning, Credit, Riches, Ho- nour ,and all becaufe they thinke that they are wor- thy their labour; Let us then but confider the fruit that this peace of confcience will bring ; let us but gather up our thoughts that are bufied fo much a. bout other things , and but confider this a little; which if men would but doe, they would fpend more time about it than they doe ; for now thefe things are done but by the bye , and have not that tithe of the time fpent about them that fhould be, which wee fpend about other things : But let fuch know, that it is but a folly to goe about that worke with a finger, which requires the ftrength ofthe whole body When this worke ofthe building of grace doth require the whole ftrength of a man, and wee put not our whole ftrength thereto, it is no marveile if wee doe not profper therein. Let us ther- fore ferioufly confider our waves, let us confider with what tentations the Divell daily affaileth us; Confider that it were as good get ground of the ra- ging fea , as of raging lufts ; Confider thefe things 1 with thy felfe ; I am verily perfwaded , that the i chiefeft caufe why there is fo much deadneffe in I thole that belong unto Chrift,is, becaufe they con- fider not their wayes. Take time therefore to con- R Eider thy wayes. It is no wonder to fee men ora- H2 p