I u n A s' epentance. to fee how men , like little children, rejoyce and tremble at appearances. Children cry not at things to be feared, but at things not to be feared; as Hob- goblins , and the like, they cry fo doe men moff commonly feare thofe things that are but umóræ do- loris; for outward evills are like the fcabbard with out the (word, which cannot cut ;.they are onely in- ward evills which are like a deepe pit , out of which we cannot be recovered. Set your hearts therefore in a right difpofition of judging of finne that you may judge aright thereof as it is in it felfe ; labour to apprehend Gods wrath for finne, and beat downe thofe lulls that like miffs hinder us from the fight thereof : Iudge of finne as the Scripture judgeth of it ,.for that is the true glafl'e; judge of thefe outward things as they are;. fee how you fhould judge of them in the day of death,and fo judge of them now, and by this meanes you (hall forefeethe plague, and prevent it. Seeing then that finne is fo unfupportable when . once it is charged on the contcience , this fhould teach us earneftly to fue for pardon for it above all other things if wee meane to have it. It is now be- come the fathion,of the world to pray for the par- don of their finne in a fuperficiall manner ;, but fuch fhal never obtaine it,but onelythofe that are fervent in prayer for it for God will be glorified of every man;.both of the unjuft and juft. 2.For the wicked; he will be glorified of them at the day ofIudge- ment, in their deftrudion. This is the meaning of that place,Rev. i. 7. Behold he commeth ;pith Cloudes, H 3 and 49