w I u D A s Repentance. I and every eye fhalifee hire ,and they alfo which pierced him : and all kìndreds of the earthfballw aile becaafe of I him. But for his owne fervants, thofethathe calleth he firft woundech; he caufeth them for to fee their finnes , and the pitiful' cafe they are in by reafon of them; and then he caufeth them to fee him in his 1 Attributes of Love, Mercy and Indgeinent;andma- keth them to fue unto him for pardon,as a man con -' { demned and ready to be executed:and thus he is al. foglorified by t hem. 1 Seeke therefore for the pardon of your finnes , if you did but feele the burthen thereofa while, as lu- das did, you would : if you cannot fee your fins, la. bour to fee them. Some may here fay , how (hall wee doe to get pardon:' we defire it with all our hearts. Vie a right method. z. Labour to be humbled by the Law. 2. Labour to be comforted again by the Gofpel. z. For the Law that mutt humble us. i By the declaration of the fault. 2. By the commination of punifhment. Which thou mutt apply unto thy felfe. Y. Thou muff apply unto thy felfe the corrup- tion of thy nature, by reafon of thy finnes. 2. Thou muff confider what thou haft deferved for this thy finne : The fìrfl being as the Jury, that tels a man he is guilty ; the fecond being as the. Iudge that pronounceth the fentence of death. This is the way to be humblcd,and fo to come to found repentance.Thus did Paul with Felix, Aet.24 25.