Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Contents. Rules to be obferved in ufing the Meanes. I To of all the meanes, z To per forme holy duties f rongly, 3 To be constant in the ufe of the Meanes, 4 Not to depend on the meanes without God. 3. Labouring to get rectified Judgements. p.I1I p.Ilz p,113" ibid. p.114 Signes ofa reaified Iudgement; I Confiancy, z Strong affections to good, p.1 is 3 Patience under the Croffe, p. i 16 4 Hardneffe to bee deceived with the things of the world, p.117 5 Strength in the time oftryall. p. 4. Removing excufes and hindrances. Hindrances are, a. The fending ftrength upon other things , p.121 I. Strong lulls and unmortfed afeions , ibid. 5. The getting [pi rituall courage and joy. p.122 6. The getting a lively faith. 7. The getting ofthe Spirit. p:iz4 p. 125 Do cr. II. ALL laving grace, or flrength of grace a man Loh, proceeds from Chef ntifying fpirit. p.126 The