Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Contents. The Spirit firengt hens the inward man : 1. By infufing into the faille an íliana& operative and powerfull faculty, p. 12 8 2. By enabling thefoule to do more than it could by Nature, ibid. 3 By putting new habits into the foule, p.124 4. By giving efficacy and power to the meares of g, owth. P.131 Ire I. To teach us, hee that bath not the holy Ghofl»mot have this firength in the inward man. p 13 2 Signes to know whether a man bath the Spirit, or no: 1 1. Fulneffe of zeale. P134 z {Doing mere than Nature can. p.14.1 1 Holineffe. P.143 3 .Examination of the Meanes by which the Spirit came into the heart. P./44 Tea may know whether the Spirit was receki d by Preaching of the Word. I By a deep humiliation that went before. p.145 z By a thorow change in the feule. p.146 4. Putting life into the foule. p.149 'Tis no true life, r. If but the forme ofgodlìe, pI.5o 2. if not in a feeling manber, 5 3. ifonely fora time. ibid 5. By trying whether it be the Spirt of adoptçon,1 S3