Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Contents. J 6 Manner of working, p -15 4 j1 7. Carriage of Words and Arlions,a mans canver- fation, p.1 56 To doe evill of fet purpofe, and to be fors'd unto eviti unwillingly, as the mained fference betweene the wic- ked and holy man. p.15 7 VSE II. To exhort tus above all things to feeke the Spirit. p. 159 Benefit that come by having the Spirit 1 c.ít good fame of grace in the heart. p. 1.6o 2 An ab, lity to beleeve things he otherwife mould not. p. 161 3 The breeding heavenly and fpiritu.all cfec`is in the Jim le. p. 163 Holy afethons doe much advantage us, 1. Becarfe we are the better men. p.165 z. Becaufethey are the meanes of goad. p. 166 3. Becauf they enlarge the foule. ibid. 4. Becauf they clea,'fe and change the heart. DO CT R. III. TNe Spirit is a free gift. Bow [aid to bee as free gift in five particulars. p 169. \TSE