Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

66 Doftrine. The Saints Spírituall flrength, For fir(t, they might demand this of Paul, yon, pray, That we might befrong in the inward man , but how fhall wce or what meanes íhai! we ufe to get this ftrengthe the Apoftle anfwers to this, and tels them , the meanes to be thong in the inwardman is, to get the Spirit, that you may be ftrengthened by the Spirit in the inwardman. Secondly, they might demand, I, but how (hall we doe to get the Spirit e the Apoftleanfwersto this, you miaft pray fod)iin , for your felves , as I doe fox you: Fop,-1I pt<ay,that he would grant you the Spirit, Char yhtlint7beftrengthened in'the ins ward man. .1 i Thirdly ; they might demand , but what fhould trtoove God to -give-us -his Spirit -,_ and to heare Q r prayers e to this,,the Apoftle anfwers, that the motive -caufe is, 'We 'rictíei of his glory, thathee wöuld grant you according to the riches of his glory, that :yoo, play b engri çped by tl e Sirit in the inward man. Fourthly , they might demand '' bía f (hall we be the better by this ftrength if w getit this the Apoe anfwers in the verfes following, then faith he , You /hall be:abk to comprehend with all the Saints , what is the length, andthe height, depth, and the breadth of the riches of tthe love of God to, wards you in ckriJt, Now in that the Apoille above all other good, things O at 4e, wifhes unto them , prayes for this , That they may belirengthened by the Spirit in the,inward nun, I garhië this point. . That which is to be defired of every Çhrifaian, and