Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spiritual frength. and to be fought for above all,things, is this , that he may be firessgthencd in the innhod anan. I gather it thus. Paul was now to pray for Tome good to the Ephefáans , and confidering what might bee moll profitable for them, he makes choice of this above all other good things, making it the fumne, and fubftance of his prayer, that they may be rtreng:: thened by the Spirit in the inward 'man : I (hall not need to prove it by any other place ofScripture, becaufe this in hand fufh.ciently proves the point, as being the maine fcope and intent of the Spirit in this place, to fhew.the necefïity of this dottrine of ftrengthening the inwardman. But for the morel fuller explaining of this point, we will - firftfhe=yc1 you what this ítrength is, and then: wee will conic to the.uf`s. There is therefore a twofold flrength : E' there is a naturali ftrength Secondly, there is fipernaturall ftrength. - Firfc , I fay there is a natu- rall ftrength ,, and this is when a manisnaturally ftrong either ira the parts of his-body , or in the gifts of his mind : as forexample,a ftrong memo- ry in a man, that is a naturali ftrength ; and fo other qualities of the mind : fo likewife when a man i ftrong in the. -parts of his body as irthis`armes or leggs °.or neck , thefe arc naturali flreñgths , but this not the ffrength,:that is:here meant. Second 1y.,tl ereisà fuperttatutall ftrength, and this is two- fpld, nth Sifir isr afiipernaturall.ftf4ngth, which is' received from the evilf fpirit:, that is, when Satan thall joyne, with the.fpirit of a man to doeevill, K 3 then What this ßccngth is. i#.Z aßi,