Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

68 The Saints Spiritual'firength. then hee adds a fupernaturall ftrength , and fo makes him to doe more, or fuller more than other. wife by nature he is able to doe : with this fpi- rit are all the enemies of the Church ftrengthned withall. Paul himfelfe before he was converted was thus ftrengthned : and fo was hee that killed the French King , hee had more than a naturali ftrength to undergoe all thofe torments, and not to fhrinke at them : but this is not the ftrength $ here meant ;but there is( a,) a fupernaturall ftrength, and this is that ftrength that comes from the fan - 6tifying fpirit whereby a Chriftian is able to doe more than naturally he could doe , and this is the ftrength, that is heremeant inthisplace, and with this ftrength all the Saints are ftrengthned withal!. This was the ftrength that Eliah , Stephen John Baptii , and the Apoftles had : this made them fpeake bouldly in the name of Chrift. But you (hail the better underftand what this ftrength is , if you doe but confider theparticulars of it which are there : the firft particular in which this fpirituall ftrength is feene is this, ifa man can Beare any wrongpatiently without reeking revenge a- ny way , it is a fgne that they are fpiritually ftrong: the fecond particular , wherein this fpiriruall ftrength is feene, is this, if a man can thrive under many affliêlions rejoycing under them, he ¡iath this: ftrength : as in the vitas 5.,4r. iris laid of the Apofiles, that they departed from the Councellj rejoycing that they were thought worthy to Puf- fer rebuke for the name of Chrift : bee that can beare (Particulars of this ftrength. The firft parti.. cular. Beare wrong patiently. The fecond particular. particula . Thrivt.under nyafdiftion.` Ets 5.11.