Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituali flrength. beare fame troubles bath fome t rength, but to beare greate troubles is required great ilrength, that is , to (land fail to Chiift, to proféffe his name there (as the holy Ghoft faith in Revelation 2. verf. r3.) where Satan bath his throne, muff needs be a greate fupernaturall worke of the fpirit the third particular wherein this fpirituall llrcngth is feene, is this , if a man tan believe, though hee bath all reafon and ftrength of reafon againft him, or if a man can doe all ahingsof knowledge , this 1is to befiróng inthe inward triad. goe tur- 'cher , that yoít may the better ktini0V what this itrength is , I will give you a defcription of it, that is , I willdefcribe what the flsrength of the inwatd ma n is tmare,fully. irfl iíß àÿ ltisa gene- rail good difpofitionor right lii t pttniperature, or frame of the rninde , whereby it is able to pleafe God in all things. I fay it is a generall good difpoftion or right habite,'beèaufe, if it bee only in fome particulars , and that at fome time only , it is not ftrength c as for example to have a paffton to good,and not to continue, argueth not flrength in the inward man : or to have the underftaiding ftrong , and yet to have the will and affetions weake to good , is not to be fttong in the inward man; but they muff be all ftrong : as for example, a man or a woman is not faïd to bee perfeelly beautiful!, except they be beautiful' in all parts, for beauty is required in all ;parts ; fo like- wife a natl is not throughly ftrong, but intperfe- c`tly, except hee be ftrong in all parts : strong in the 69 The thirdpat- ticular. To beleeve. Defcription of fpirituall ítrength.