Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituallflrength. the undeiftanding , ftrong in the will , ftrong in the affections, &c. Secondly, I call it a temperature 2 or right frame ofthe mind, becaufe it fets the foule in order, that is , it fets a new habit on the facul-. ties , and fixes the foule on fit objets for there ha- bite the foule was before like a difordered dock 3rf hit went at randorne , every thing was out of its place , but when the ftrength of the inward Man comes into the foule , it frames it anew , and puts 3 it..into a right ,tepaper againet Thiidiys hy9 tOte becaufe t feria good he upon all for as Varnifh makes all Colours Went fo doth the Inward man ,,it. fets deeper dye upon all our aaionssaglaffeppon tern., :and makes them beau, tiu1l t!fnothitig without it will hold nail every thing that hathAt,-tindure of the inward man up- on it , will hold.good z this- lets thettampe of ho- linefre upon them :,,Arld therefore they are accepta- bleto God. Now that , you naay know the better what this ftrength is , you mull firft labour to know what weaknge is by weakneffe Idoenotmeane weak- neife before a man be converted , for that cannot properly becalled weakneffe , but wickednefrel,and therefore know that this weaknefre , which I fpeake of, here which is proper unto Chriflians , is of two forts ; The Rift is weakneffe of grace , as in the cor:3 c'er.3.r. I Oeakettonta,pto as WOO babes in chrfi, that is, as to thofe that are weake in knowledge, Z babes. The fecond kind of weakneffe is this, When