Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituall firengt hr 7I when one that hath been thong is new fallen ficke, and weake into a confumption of grace that hee cannot ufe grace , and his ftrength , fo as formerly bee could now they who are weake in the firft.. fort ofweakneffe, grow ftrong; but they who are weake in the fecond fort, grow weaker and wea- ker : therefore if there be any here that are fuchs that hath once truely lov'd God and his King - dome, but now is faine into the love of the world, that once was lively and quicke to good , but is now backward and cold, my Couniell to them fháll bee the fame which Chrift gives unto the Church of Ephefus , Reveóation 2. v.5. to remem- ber and repent, and to doe their firft workes , left their Candle - flicke bee taken from them; let them remember what they were in times part , and what they are now, and then let them humble them felves and turne againe -into the right way, and bee afhamed of themfelves , that they runne fofarce a- way from Chrift ; and that in time, left their Can- dle-fticke be taken away from them , left thefe op- portunities to good , and the offer of grace be taken from them. Againe as there are kinds of weaknefï'e, fo there are degrees of weakneffe. As touching that kind of weakne% that followes upon a relapfe, (to fpeake of this firft,) there are two degrees of this, Firft, fenfible: Secondly, unfenfible. Firft, I fay, fenfible, and that is when the underftanding is good , but the will and affeuions: are defpezately wicked : the underftanding , I fay , is good in re- gard 3