Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituall flrcngth. gard of the good it knowes , whereby the weake neffe that is in our wills and affcetions becomes entiible unto us. Secondly, there is a weakeneffe, unfenfible, and that is finch as cannot be felt , and this is when men change their opinions of finne, when they have thought otherwife of it than now they doe : as for example; before, they thought e- very fine a great finne, but now little or none at all : Now as touching that weakneffe , which fol- lowes upon the new birth , there are two degrees likewife of this; the firft is generali, the fecond particular: The firft is a generali weakneffe , and that is when the Iudgement , will, and affe6tions are all weake. When a man is weake in all the whole parts of the foule : The fecond degree, is a parti- cular weakenffe, and that is when a man is general- ly flrong, and yet weake in fome parts; as for ex- ample, a fhip may be firongly built or generally thong, and yet having a Ieakc in it cannot bee faid to beftrong in all parts , becaufe it hath that leake; that is a weakneffe in one part of it : fo the foule may bee generally ftrong , and yet weake in forme particular : therefore a man mutt take heed of all particular weaknefles. Now by way of oppofiti- on unto thefe weakneffes you may conceive of inward ftrength. But to come unto the reafons wherefore we fhould ftrengthen the Inward man; and they are thefe. The firft Reafon wherefore you fhould be thong in the Inward man is this , becaufe it will fit you for many imployments , it will make us goe through