Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Tie- Saints S,pirituall firength. 73 through much worke with great cafe, to per. forme the weightieft duties of Religion in Inch manner as otherwife wee could never be able to doe , and this thould perfwade men the rather, becaufe G o D rewards men according to their workes : it is not riches , beautie , honour , or dignitie , that prevaile with God in giving the reward, but according to our workes fo fhall his reward be. And this reafon !hall make men to hafte to get into Chrift , becaufe the longer they are in Chrift, the ftronger they are in the Inward man. The fecond reafon wherefore you fhould delire to be ítrong in the inward man is this , becaufe it brings moft comfort and cheerefulnrffe into the foule. (z) Becaufe it makes us doe all that we doe with facilitie and eafineffe, fo that that which we doe is eafie unto us; as for example, a man that is weake in lodgement, and weake in underftanding, any high point of religion is wearinefle unto him, becaufe hee wants a capacitie to conceive : now that which is not rightly conceived or underftood, wee have little or no comfort or delight init, but it is irkefomneffe and wearineffe unto our nature: whereas the Tame things unto a man that is of a larger capacitie are eafie unto him , and hee de- lights in them. (2) The more ftrength a man hath in the Inward man, the more health he hath in his foule, for as it is in the body, themorenaturall flrength, the more health ; fo in the foule, the more ftrength in the inward man the morehealth- L, 2 full Real. a. 2i