The Saints Spiritual'firength. 75 Contrary,what is the reafon that temptations preffe men fo fore as they doe , but becaufe they are nor carefull to grow more farong in the inward man. This fhewes how they are to bee blamed , that feeke this ftrength leaft of all , or not at all ; for let us looke upon men , and we (hall fee how bufie they are , to get the riches, and honour , and plea fare of the body ; but few or none regarding this ftrength which is the riches, and honour, and rlea- fure of the foule : for the health , beauty , and ftrength of the outward man, all take great care, fpend much time about them , much labour in them , to adde any thing unto them ; but for the beautie of the Inward man ,-they care not for that, they refpet not, that : All their care is, for their backes and bellies , hill regarding the things that may raife their outward eflate, but never minding the ftrengthning of the inward man ; which will appeáre more plainely by this. Aske but Inch men why they doe not pray , or heare, or receive the Sacrament ofiner than they doe : to this you (hall heare them anfwer , that they cannot for bufineflês; they have great employments in the world , and they muff not neglect them , to doe fuch and Inch things ; as if the inward man were neither worth the geting or having. And yet thefe men will be as good men as the belt. Againe, fee it.inyour felves : This day is appoint fed for the ftrengthning of the inward man , but how doe you neglel it, how often were you in prayer , and holy meditation before, or how often L 3 fince vfe.r.