The Saints Spirituali /rength. lince have you ferioufly confidered on the things that you have heard, or how have you cart afide your occafions of bufinef e in your callings, or whether be they not now frefh in your memories: nay, doe not your hearts run after them, even now when I am perfwading you to the contrary; If they be,whatfoever you fay of your felves,you have not the care you ought to have, to grow flrong in the Inward man. And yet that you may fee, that you have good reafon to firengthen the inward man; Firft , you old men , confider you and bethinke with your (elves, how foone your inward man may be throwne out of doores. Therefore you have great caufe to arengthen ir, and grow thong in it. 2 Secondly , you young men, as for you , you have need to ftrengthen the inward man, becaufe as there is a time offpringing and growing firong for you in the inward man , fo there is a time of not fpringing, that is, when you will have much to doe to keepe that which you have , without in- creating of it; therefore while the time is, take heed of negleding the time; It is no rule to be fol. lowed, That God calls at all times, for thou know'ft not whether he wil call thee, and therfore,oe thou labour to grow firong in the inward man,and toper - fwade you the more confider thefe particulars. z r . Confiderthe excellécy of the inward man, that it wil fit you for great imployments;as for example, it will makeyou to fee God in his holinefïe, and to ccinverfe w`h God, and to have fucha holy familia- rity with Him, as will joy the foule: this will bring you