Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spiritual) Strength. 77 you fo acquainted with God, that you wil be effee- med of him as one of his familiars : therefore this fhould perfwade you to ftrengthen the inward man. Secondly confider that you are to be made like unto the Image of God , if you will be faved ; but this cannot be, except you ftrengthen the Inward man, and therfore the Apoftle faith, 1 Pet. i. As he that bath called you is holy , fo he you holy in all man- ner of couverfation : that is , feeing you are called unto fuch a high place, as to be the fonnes of God by grace , what a bafe thing is it for you to {Loupe unto bafe things what a bale thing were it that an Eagle should ftoope at flies,: And although it is un- feemely in that creature , yet men doe thelike , and are not afbamed : men will {loupe to the world, and will bee any mans vaffall , and beeany thing what any would have them to be, if it may but in- large their outward eftate. But beloved there isa great lofl'e and bafenefie in it : for what is Gold , or honour,or pleafure, to Chrift, grace, and holtneffer In every thing wherein there is loffe,it grieves and paines us : we grieve when we fee Wheate given unto Hogs, which would bee mans meare: wee grieve when wee fet up a faire blailding, on which wee have bellowed much colt and labour , and then to have Xi n and Chino to dwell therein , and - not our (elves : And if wee bee fubje6t to grieve for thefe things , then how much more have wee caufe to grieve , when wee fee men give themfelves unto their lufts , that is, they give their foules to bee a harbour for their lofts , which ought 1