7S The Saints Spirituals flrengtb. ought to bee a Temple for the holy Ghoft.. 3 Thirdly , confider that it is the inward man that enables a man to doe thofe things that are honou- rable unto God and, profitable unto men ; no man can truely. honour God, that doth it not by the firength of the inward man; neither can any man tuely bee faid to profit another, except what hee does , Howes from the inward man unto him , therefore the Apoltle faith, Gel. 3. x. Set yew. ade- ¿lions on things above , and not on things below : but Satan cornes and robs us of all the good that e- therwayes wee might doe : and firft hee robs us of our (elves , by fteaiing from us the ftrength of the inward man : and then fecondly, he robs our parents of us , by making us the obje6is of theirgriefe: and thirdly , he robs the Church, and Commonwealth of us , making us unprofitable inftruments : and beloved., if you Tooke into the world , youfhall find it true ; as for example, Tooke unto young men, they are bufied in eating and drinking , and riling up to play, but never regard at allthe ftrengthning' of the inward man ; whereby they may become profitable unto all. When the foule is unto fome but as fait is unto meate , onely to keepe it from Putrifretion : and the body, that is put into the foules place: but what is the reafon we put it thus, doth not this prove that true, which Salomon faith, I have feene fervants ride, and Mafters goe afoote. When you imploy your felves and fpend your time and paines in getting of outward dignity , in decking the outward man, and little regard the beau-