Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spiritual) ßrength. 79 beautifying of the inward man, you preferre drofl"e before Gold, Copper before Silver : you fet the body in the foules place, you fet the fer- vant on horfebacke, but the Mailer mull goe on foote ; in a word, you doe not things like or befee- ming Chriflians, and on the contrary you doe things like your felves,when you preferre the inward man firft. Fourthly, confider that it is an immortali foule : why doe you la69nr for the meat that peri,íheth, in the ufe of ir; that is, why doe you dote upon the out- ward man that perifheth in the getting, which pe- ritheth in the ufing, that will Rand you in no head if you keepe it a and why doe you not rather la- bour for the meare that peritheth note why doe you not labour to get the flrength of the inward man which is of an immortali fubftance that will never fade nor perish in the ufe: you have built a Temple here, which is in it felfe a good worke, but I fay, except you build alto in your foules the Temple of the inward man, all your labour, all your paines and all your coif is but loft labour : it will perish and Rand you in no head when you fhaIl need ir. And this is one maine drift of the Scripture to thew you the vanity of earthly things, that you should not fee your affeótionsupon them, becaufe they perish in the ufe, and thatyoufhould not lay out money for that which profiiteth not, as the Prophet fpeakes. Confider therefore that it is a fpirit, and againe borne and inhaled into this body co beare rule there, and the body to bee but a fer- M vant Ioh. 6. 17.