The Saints Spirituald ftrenLgth. manner : for as water that is elevated by fire, fo is he that bath this ftrength ; that is, hee is abler to doe more then a natural" ftrength can doe : this was that which made a difference betweene Sarnp- f n and other men, he had a naturali ftrength, and bee had another ftrength to doe more than another man could doe : and that this ftrength doth goe further then a naturali flrength, we will proove by thefe particulars. Firíi, the fpirituall ftrength en- ables you to fee more, and to prize grace more ; the naturali ftrength fhewes you fomething in your journey, but it fhewes you not unto the end of your journey; whereas the fight that the in- ward man brings unto the foule, addes unto it, Jeremy 31.34. Then fhall yee know mee; that is : they knew mee before, but now :they (hall know mee in another manner 'then before : grace pre- fens things unto the foule in another hue. Se- condly, in performances : all naturali ftrength leads a man but unto a forme of godtineífe, but this ftrength gives a man power and ability to doe good. Labour, therefore, labour for this ftrength . that your hearts may bee in filch a frame of godli- neí%, that you may doe Go Ds will in earth as the Angels doe it in Heaven, which the carnali man will never doe : hee that bath not this ftrength, he will never labour to pleafe G o D after that man - ner, becaufe hee cares not for grace if hee can but efcape hell, but the fpirituall man will not bee con - tented to have the pardon of finne, except he may have grace and holinefie too. Thirdly, it inablcs M 2 him I Ier. 31. 34. 2