Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

ArNIII11i The Saints Spirituali ftrengtb. him to goe further in Iudgement, the naturall man hee cares not, if hee can get but jufi fo muc holi- neffe as will bring him to heaven ; but the fpiritu- all man will not bee contented with any anfwer: but it is with the fpirituall man as it is with the Sunn`; the cleereft Sunne-fhine fhowes the mofi motes; the cleerefi glaffe the bell; and belt water is next the fountaine ; even fo when the fpirituall man is ftrong in the inward man, it fees the more motes and brackes in the fpirituall firength, and labours for more firength againft weaknefl'es,which a naturali man cannot conceive of, as i Peter 4, 4. They thinke it firange that you runne not with them into the fame excel%: of riot; they know not the reafon, or they cannot conceive what fhould keeps you from loving fuch and fuch vices which they love: like blind men, they beare the pipe, but they fee not the perfons that dance, fo they heare the pipe, but they fee not the rule by which the fpirituall man goes ; as a country -man that comes and fees: a man: drawing the Geome- tricians line, hee marvels what he meanes to fpend his time about fuch a thing, when as hee that drawes it knowes that it is of great tile: Fourth- 'ly, in degree, that is, in the generality of the growth; when you grow in every part proporti- onably : a naturali man may grow infome parts, but not in all parts; as for example, hce may have a large capacity of knowledge in divine Truths, yet hee path but weake affections to God : or ittnay bee his affections 'are ftrong, but his Iudgement is weake