7l .'c Saints Spiritual! fttrenStb. 83 weake : or it may bee he is ftrong in both, that is, hee knower the good, and after his manner of lo- ving, hee loves the good : but yet there is much weakenet% in the. will, that bee will not yeeld any true obedience unto G o n : but it is not thus in the fpirituall ftrength, that is, in the growth of the in- ward man, for that leads him unto all growth in all parts : now in the naturali growth, wee fay, it is not a proper augmentation, except there bee a growth in all parts : as for example, if a man fhould grow in one member, and not in another, as in the arme, not in the legge, wee would not fay . that it were a growth, but a difeafe, and that many humours of the body were met together in his arme, and that it were rather a figne that it should bee cut off from the body, then a helpe unto the reft of the body ; even fo the growth in any part of the foule, if it bee not univerfall, rather hurts then helpes, that is,it rather fhowes a difeafe in the foule, . then the health of the foule: but the true fpirituall flrength, that growes in all parts : fo much for the firff difference. The fecond difference is in the beginning and ending of that ftrength : it hath another vllpha and omega :.for the ftrength of the fpirituall man is wrought by the Spirit and Word of Go n; as thus, the principles of Religion being taught him out of Go n s Word, hence there is a fpirituall ftrength conveyed into the foule, for I fay, norman can receive the fpirit of this fpirituall ftrength, but by the Gofpell, therefore confider what the good- M 3 neffe 2. Dip. rence.