The Saints Spirituali J1ren,gth. bier end then the naturall firength : for the end of the fpirituall mans firength is Gods glory, that hee may Feld better obedience unto G o n, that bee may keepe truth with him and keepe in with him, that hee may have more familiarity with him and more. confidence and boldneffe in Prayer; in -a word, that hee may bee fir for every good worke But the end of the natural! ftrength, is his ovine ends, his owne profit and pieafure, and his ovine good ; for as the rife of any thing is higher, fo the end is higher, as for example : water is lift upon the top of Tome Mountaine, or high place becaufe it may goe further, then if it were not : fo when a man is firong in the inward man, he is fet up higher for another end, and that is topleaCe G o D, and not himfelfe, and thus much for the fecond diffe- rence. The third difference is this, hee that is fpiritually ftrong, is flrong in faith. The ftrength of the in- ward man is faith : but the strength of the -out- ward man is but morali ftrength , an habituall ftrength of nature : it is. faith that gives firength a man is. not a thong man in C H -1 a s r, or inthe inward man that hath not a ffrong faith. Strong faith makes a man or woman ftrong : that is, it is that which makes a difference betweene a fpiritu- all man, and a naturali man : for as reafon makes a difference betweene men and beafis, fo faith makes a difference betweene a holy man, and a wicked man : as for example, take a Philofopher that doth excel!, in other things, as inhumane know- 3. rercce.