86 The Saints Spiritual! f}rength. knowledge : fch goe beyond other men, yet in matters of faith and beleeving they are as blinde as beetles ; and the reafon is this, the one fees and doth all things by faith, but'the other onely by the light of nature, and this is the fame that the A- poftle fpeakes of in Hebremes i i. of weake they be- Hcb r gß4 came flrong, that is, becaufc they had faith, and were ftrong in the faith, and trufted and beleeved , and hoped in God, therefore they became ftrong, they did that which other men could not doe that wanted faith. Sif ra might doe as great things as Gideon; but here is the difference, Gideon doth them all out of Faith, but the other Both them but from nature, and fo Socrates may in worldly things, bee as wife as Paul, that is, as wife in underftanding, and in policy by reafon of excellent outward parts as Paid: but here is the difference, Paul doth all things out of faith, but Socrates doth not : there. t Tim.4.to. fore the Apoflle faîth, i rim. 4. i o. We are /Irong 1 becau% we fiand in God: that is, wee have a ftrong faith in G o n, and that makes us to withftand all the affaults of men and Divels. I fay, this is that which makes a difference betwixt us and the men of the world. D i o GE N E s may trample under his fecte the things of the world as well as Mofes, but Mofes by faith chofe rather the one then the o- f-16.1E1.24. ther,Heb. z 1.24. Faith in Chrift made him to choofe grace before the things of the world : but it was not thus with the other, his contempt of earthly things, was not out of faith, as mop was, who had refpet unto G o D s Commandement, and ro his