Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituallfirength: his promife ; for then and not till then is a man fpi- ritually (bong , when he will let life and riches, and honour, and pleafure , and liberty , and all got for Chrift : the naturali man will never doe this, this is the onely property offaith, a fupernaturall worke , and change in the foule , and therefore the holy Ghoft faith , they fuffered with patience the fpoiling of their goods , that is, they let them wil- lingly goe ; life and liberty and all fhall goe ere Chrift íhall goe. A noble Roman may doc force - thing for his countrey , and for himfelfe but there is a by -end in it , hee doth it not in a right manner unto a right end , but the fpirituall ftrong man doth all things in a fpirituall manner unto a faving end, the one Both it for vaine glory, but the other in uprightneffe of heart : for there is à double worke of faith. Firft, it empties a man, as a man that hash his handfull cannot take another thing till he let his handful! fall , fo when faith enters into the heart of a man , it empties the heart of felfe love, of felfe will : it pnrgeth out the old rubbith , that is naturally in every mans heart , and lets all goe to get hold on Chrift, all (hall goe then , life, and ho- nour , and profit, and pleafure, and bee is the truly fpirituall man that can thus lofe the world to cleave to Shrift , and miferable are they that can- not. Secondly, as it empties the heart of that which may keepe Chrift out of the foule : fo in the fecond place hee feekes all things in God, and frotn God , that is , hee fira feekes Gods love, and Gods bleffìng upon what hee doth enjoy, and then N bee