4 r. 6.8 G. The Saints Spsrituali ftrength. he goes unto fecondary meanes , and ufes them as helpes: but a man that wanteth faith , he will not let all goe for Chrift, hee will not feeke firft unto God in any thing ,but unto fecondary meanes, and then ifhe faile, that is, want power tofupply, then it may be he will feeke unto God : and hence it is, that hee will not loofe his life, or libel- or ho- nour for Chrift ; becaufe= he fees more power and good in the creature than in God. Againe, this makes the difference betweene Chriftian andChri- ftian, namely faith , and hence it is , that force are weake, and others arc ftrong ; hence it is that force are more abler than others for the greateft duties of Religion : as for example, Caleb and If- Asia can doe more than the reft of the people, and what is the reafon, but becaufe they were ftroeger in the faith than others, and fo Paul laid ofhim- Idle, that he could doe more than they all , becaufe Paul had a ftronger faith tl For the truth of a mans ftrength , is knowne by his ftrength of faith that he hath, whether he be naturally ftrong, or fpiritually ftrong , for this is the firft worke of the Spirit after the humiliation of him in the converfion of a fin - ner , namely, to worke faith in him land no fooner faith, but as £Done by degrees , ftrength, and then the promife followes faith, lie that bclicvethand is baptized fhall be faved, but be that believeth no ¡hall be damned, Make 16. 16. and this is the courte that wee take in preaching : firft wee Preach the Law unto you, and we doe it to this end to hum- ble you , and to breaks the hard difpofition of your hearts,