The SaintsSpirituallßrengtb. 89 hearts , that fo they may be fit to receive Chrifl, and when,- have throughly humbled you, then wee preach unto you the Gofpell, befeeching and perfwading you to believe in Chrift, for thepar- don of finnes part, prefent, and to come ; and to lay downe the armes of rebellion which you have ta- ken up againft Chrift, and you fhall be Paved , but yet notwithflanding, you are neither humbled by the one, nor perfwaded and provoked by the o. t her , but are as the Prophet faith, Ton have eyes and fie net , you bave cares but you heare not , feeing you doe not fie, and bearing you doe not heare; as for exam- ple, when a man is (hewed a thing, but yet bee mindes it not, when the eye of the minde is upon another object, that man may be raid to fee and not to fee , becaufe he doth not regard it, or a man that hath a matter come before him, he heares it,but his minde being otherwayes employed he regards it not, in which regard hee may bee Paid to heare and not to heare, becaufe he minds it not. And what is the reafon that though wee preach the Law and the Iudgements of God fo much unto you, befeech and perfwade you fo often to come in and receive Chrift and you (hall be Caved, time after time, day after d l.y , yet we fee no reformati- on at all.: what is the reafon that the word wants this effe d in you , as to humble you, and that you are no more affrighted with the Iudgements of God than you are, and that you remaineasigno- rant and careleffe as ever youwere , the reafon is, becaufe you doe not believe : you want a true fa- N 2 vin: