Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Spirituall flrengtb. ving and applying faith,for if you had that,the word would worke other effeas in you , than it doth. If one fhould tell a man that fuch or fuch a benefit or legacie is befalne hir, that would raife him unto great honour, though before hee lived but in a meane condition, now if this man did but believe it, then furely he would rejoyce. Truly fo, if you did but beleeve that Chritt , and grace, and falvati- on were fo excellent , and that holinefï'e and the arengthning of the inwardman, would bring you' unto fog happie 'a condition and efrate, as'to bee the Heires of Heaven, you would reioyce in -C" / I R I S T and grace onely. Againe, if you did beleeve that the Word of God is true,and that God is a juft God: If the drunkard did but beleeve that drunkards shall bee damned ; Or if the Adulterer did but beleeve that no Adniterer fhould inherite the Kingdome of GOD and CH R r s r: Or, if the Prophane perfon and the Gameíter, did but beleeve that they mutt give account for all their mïf- fpent time and i- dle words, and vaine communication, they would not fport themfelves in their finnes, as they doe. Againe, if men did but believe that G o D calls whom and when hee lifts , and that many are called, but few are chofen, that is , here is a Church full, but it may be but a few of you fhall belayed ; I fay, if men did but believe this, they would not rarely deferre their repentance , they would not put off the motions of the Spirit, but they would ftrike wldleft the Iron is hot, and grinde whileft the wind blowes, but men will not beleeve, and there- fore a