The-Saints .spirituall firength. fore it is that they goe on in finne as they doe : It is hot fo for earthly things , men are eafily brought to believe any promise of them : as for example, if one fhould come and tell a man of a commodi- tie , which if hee would but buy and lay by him, it would in a short time yeeld a hundred for o7e; oh how ready will men bee , to buy fuck a commo- ditie with the wife Merchant, Mat. 8. 44. They would fell all that ever they had to buy this : oh that men would be but thus wife for their foules : belov- ed I tell you this day of a commodity, the bell, the riches} , the profitableft commoditie that ever was bought even Christ and grace, and falvation; i which if you will but lay out your (locke of grace to buy him , you (hall have him , that is, if you have but a delire to receive Chrift , and lay him up in your hearts , I tell you it will yeeld you a hundred for one. Nay, Chrift the commoditie hirnfelfe faith , in Marke r o. flee that forfaketh father and mo- ther , and wife , and children , and life , for my fæke , lhall receive a thaufand -fold in the lift to come but men will not believe it, but a time willcorne when you (hall fee it to be true : and befQole your felves , that you loft fo precious a bargaine as Christ and fal- falvation is , for the disbursing of a little profit and pleafure , but as I laid before, the difErence lyes here, men want faith , and hence it is, that they negleé the ftrengthening of the inward man, and are fo over- burthened with loffes and croffes, be- caufe they want faith ; And fo much for th_ third difference. N3 QI Mar. 1o.2 , 30.