9z The Saints Spiritual) (1rength. 4é IDSi- rerce. Rom. s. s 4. 2. Tini.s,3. The fourth difference is this, the natural] ftrength leades a man but unto a forme of godli neffe, but the fpirituall ftrength leades a man mitt, the power of godlindfe : I call that the forme of godlineffe, when a man doth performe, or doea- ny thing with carnali affe lions not to a right end, and this is knowne by this, when they fall away from that ftedfattneffe, or forme and fhow of hob- ! netfe that they feemed to have : this forme of god - lineffe is the famewith that in Heb. 6. A tafting of the Word of life, and yet notwithftaading fail a- way : they feemed to have tafted of faring grace, and to have the power with the forme, but it was not fo, becaufe they continued not : they loft that forme which made them feeme to bee that which now itappeares they were not. Againe , I call that the power of godlineffe which is performed by the divine power, force and efficacy ofthe Spirit. Rom.2.14. it is faid, that the Gentles, that were not under the law did by nature the things con - rained in the law : that is, they did it by the effica cy and power of nature. Semblably unto this is that of the fame Apoftle, 2 71m. 2.3. in the latter time men (hall come in a forme of godlineffe, that is , with a forme in fhow without fubftance or power of the Spirit : but the inward firength which is the inward man doth not onely teach you to doe , but alto it reacheth you how to doe them ; but men that have but a common ftrength, have force bubles to goods, and they feeme to have this ftrength, becaufethey have the law of nature written