Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spiri tuall F1rength. written in their hearts, and they may promife much ; and yet he is not fpiritual ly fl rong, becaufe he cannot doe fpirituall aEtions in a fpirituall man- ner , for bee goes about that with a naturall ftrength which fhould bee performed with a fpriri- tuall ftrength, i Pet. i. S. Who are kept by the pow- I Pet.I, S er of God through faith , unto falvation : when a man is truly regenerated , when he bath not power of his owne to doe the Will of God , then hee hath the fpirit to helpe him , that is, they are not onely kept by the power from evil , but alfo they are inabled to doe good by it. , Dip. The fifth difference betwixt the naturall and rente, fpirituall ftrength , is this , that which proceeds from the fpirit is alwayes toyned with relutancy of the will, but in the naturall ftrength there is no reluctancy , becaufe there is no contraries , but in the fpirituall man there is two contraries , the flefh , and the fpirit q and you know thefe can never agree, but they are still oppofing one another, as for example, a man that is going up a hill , hee is in labour and paine , but a man that is going downe a hill goes with much cafe : fo there is much labour and paine , which a fpirituall man takes to fubdue the flefh , but the natural man hath no relu ±ancy at all : hee hath no fighting and ftrugling with cor- ruption , but hee goes without paine becaufe hee is but one, and one man cannot bee divided againft it felfe , but in every fpirituall man there are two men , the old man , and the new man , the flcth and the fpirit , and hence growes that fpirituall corn- bate, 93