Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

44 The Saints Spiritual!firength. . bate , Gal. 5.i 7. The flesh lu(ieth againft the j ait, and the f] iris againfi the fleah, that they cannot doetbe things that they would : thefe two men in a regene- rate man ftrive for mafteries, and fo hinder one the other. Yet know allo that in the naturali man there may bee reluùancy in the will againft forne particular finne , as covetoufneffe may ftrive a- gainft pride, and pride againft niggardneffe, yet not fight againft it as it is afinne, but as it croffeth and thwarteth his pride. Againe, know that a naturali man may have reluéìancy in force part of the foule, as in the confcience , which is.feirble of.finne; and hence it may convince the man and the reft of the faculties , notwithftanding they are at, peace: but where this fpirituall Length is, it is in all parts not one faculty againft another, but all are fighting againft finne in the whole reran : now the reafon that there is not this reluFtancy againft finne in e. very faculty in the naturali. man , is, becaufe hee wants laving grace ; .grace is not in the faculty op- polite unto the corruption that is in it : but in the holy man there is , and therefore hee is like Rebecka; they have two in them , Jacob and Efau : the flefh and the fpirit , and Paul complains of fo much, Rom,y.z ;. Rom. 1 ' finne another law in my members rebel- ling againll the law -of my minde , that is, .I finde fomething in me that is contrary unto me : in my. members, that is, in my body and foule,, notwith- i standing fiat, Lime the evill of finne as being molt contrary unto grace, but.yet-I cannot avoyd ir, I cannot doe the things that I would : but the na- tural!