-. _ ----- - 7liea:`t;rs Spiritald fl: qS turall mart dctth :not ha,roe ttteavikl.tf fnC dtl7(è14 wayes ;tkían .s at>iaxids iimi(1}tfient :edoctdlyoi 4 delight r the Larv Of Gal' hn :hi 1f11?dliYíl ftfA1, tliat is, howfoever I am violently carried unto the com- mitting of finne, yet it is againft the defìte of his foule,hee hath ho pléàfir.e,' bee can talk nodelight in it, for his delight is In the inward man ; but the o natur-all mantakes G o D s Lawesas burthcns, and therefore hee will not fubmit Ihitifelfe unto them becaufe he is not ítrodgg in th inward man : he pró- xriifetb', hut bee' perforrnes not; -hee yeelds, and yéelsnot, heeyeeldstofoiïidthing;fbutndttoc: f. Vefy thing : And thus much for`thiikaffidieltè '. betwixt the naturali ftrength and the fpirittrall f$rength;, ; r i5ijitfv; -that- the _ftretigth' of t4nt`l tiíari deftrtaba all!tlri s, th+eili5if ttáiii Ye a. . the firft place 'for'teproofr, fo itithe+rctond place it may ferve far ëxhbitatiäti- t<all rlén, thát réÿ?`idul`d labour-t0'grodv RYbrïg-iìrthe inward d elxt'"wt3u`t5ci4tglugohettc 6ir3gxiietits of their otglíts 4tacys'wlr have beene formerly fet to get other things, and now'rhollÿ iniplofitfieni for the gectitï'g:òf this fttt th, ázel<feqni cleYárlbaufe>hex rhin'ae.bttr -`lttsttieèrilelis as.tie,-f2ilberd Withdi thé'fcr-vliChï 6vrx doe Ia'-ixcárcnrto good' whenet..5mdt itïeed bf o1em ; s :b:ifbigjin id h atltironIclfi ir;ityeìji4#It lS7allíA; ítehgk trtfi3daft,cíïtríëhb óo'd '. O whcn e y