Q6 Ebe Saints Spirituali firengtb. when, yee come to wrafile with finne and death. But for to be firong in the inward man who teekes or enquires after it : I know-you would :be-ftrong in all earthly 'firengtb-: but I bcfecch you above all things labour to bee- flrong in the inward man. It is the folly,, -weakeneffe, and ficknef e of men, they looke all without the doores, unto the ftrength of the outward man, oh: that I could but períwade you as I Paid before to gather the reft of your thoughts and defires together, and fet the foule in a frame of grace that yott may u oitifie rhefe inordinate afktions which keepe :backethe. flrengthnirtg of the inward man, as covetoufnefí'e, pride,pleafure, love of vaine glory, and the like; then it would bee but an eafie worke and no bur - then mtgq; yo to flrengthen theinwar-d man; but here: men Rieke,, the way is toQ turrew, it is a hard matter to perfwade men unto it, that there is filch excellency in the one and not in the other., that grace is the better pa t. Therefore that I maythe better p pililë with you to ftrengthen the inward man, I <wa' ay downe form motives to perfwatle you to it.: The firft motive to move you to ftrengthen the inward man, is becaufe your comfort lyes moll in the inward man : even all your comfort, and there- fore to ftrengthen that, is to adde unto your com- fort : as for example, the Sunne brings comfort with it becaufe it brings light, therefore the more light the .i ore comfort, fo the more of them. ward man you have, the more light and -joy. Now