Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituali firength. 97 Now the reafon wherefore the inward man brings the moli comfort is, becaufe it is the greater facul- ty, and the greater the faculty is: the greater is ther the joy or the forrow, as for example, take a man that is troubled in minde. None fo humble, fo penitent, fo forrowfull as hee and therefore it is faid, that the Spirit of a man will beare his infir- mities,but a wounded fpirit who can beare a man may be able to beare any outward trouble, but the griefe of a troubled mind who can' on the contra- ry take a man, that is at peace with G o D, who fo joyfull and comfortable as hee now the outward man is the Idle faculty, and therefore it is capable of the leffe comfort: it doth not in any meafure know what true comfort and joy there is in the in- ward man : Againe, what joy the outward man hath in outward things, it is but the opinion of the inward man, they comfort no more, but as they are efleemed of the inward man,if the inward doe not efteeme them as worthy the rejoycing in, they will not !bring comfort 3 Againe, all the pines and labour that you bellow on the outward nun is but loft labor, that will bring you no great advantage : but the ftrength of the inwardman will arme yon againfl loifes, and croffes, and reproach, that you (hall meete withall in the world, whi left you are in the way to heaven: Againe, con- fider that though you bee firong in the outward m:n, yet you are moveable; fubje6t tofhaking and fleeting ; but it is of h:rwayes with the inward man, it makes a Ch:iflian fledfafl and unmoveabl c 0 Z