The Saints Spiritual f rength A&s id. zg, it will fo.eáablifh the heart in grace, that he will ftand firtme : ttntm ,4itift in All: eítatcs.; f r is with the.òutward Man tis if is with the Seas, though. the ftrength of the ftreame runne one way, Yet if the wind blow contrary, it moves and aims, and 'ftrives, and difeluietsit.; io when lofl'es, and ctotf s coine,`_tl ybféáke,the,frame and firength of the outward .man; but -th.e itt"ward man is like the dry ground, let the wiànde .blow never fo violent, yet, it moves ;not, it (ands. n e.. Again,, in the a- bundance of Outiwarc}.things there is no tar con tentedne(fe: lkeitherr iti the want of them, where the ífrength of fhesinvirard man is, is there caufe of dejededneffe.. This welhail fee in Adana .and "Patel : done. thorghi ?ee wasi.ozeipf all things,and had the rule . -of all the creatures yet when hee was weake in the inwatd.wan, what joy had bee, nay what fare had he not, when he hid himfelfe in the Garden .e Again, looke upon Paul in the want of there outward things, he is not dejc &ted at all, as in was r 6.2 5. it is Paid, that when Paul and II Silas were in prifon in the fiockes, the prifon rung for joy : now what was the reafon of it, but this b, caufe they were firong in the inward mane And therefore you fee that all true joy is that which comes from grace within, and when you rejoyce in that, your rejoycing is good, you Rand then up- , on a good bottome ! Alas,you thinke to have con- tentrnent in your riches, but youwiIJ bee fooled by them : they, will deceive you, if you build up on them you will build without a foundation, and goe