Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

772e Saints Spirituall `lrength. 99 göe upon another mans legges: now were is not t ,t;re better for you to get legges of your owne, and build upon a fore foundation' and this you (hall doe if you will ftrengthen the inward man. Againe confider, that if you doe not ftrengthen the inward man, you will have wicked thoughts M. Your hearts and evill aEtions in your hands ; lyerre- it not better to bee ftrong in the inward man and to have holineffe, and grace in the 'heart Let this therefore move you to ftrengthen the inward man, becauCe your comfort lyes moat in the inward. man : Thus much for the farft nao- tive. The fecond motive to motive you to ftrengthen 2,aMctive. the inward man, is this: if you labour to ftreng- then the inward man, you (hall thereby pleafe G o n. If a man had never fo much ftrength, yet if it be not the ftrength of the inward man hee can- not pleafe God, hee cannot performe any holy du- ty, in filch ä holy manner as G o D will approove óf, and therefore the Prophet faith, That G o D doch not delight in any mans legges. He cares not for amly mans ftrength, bee it never fo great and ex- cellent, except it bee the ftrength of the inward man; and on the contrary, hee regards the holy man with his ftrength, though outwardly weake, as in Eft. 56.2. I will dwell with him that is of a ifaiaii 55. s, contrite and humblejjiirit, hee that is of a contrite fpirit, he is fpiritually ftrong, and therefore I will dwell with him: now what is the reafon,that men feeke fo much the favour of Princes, but becauT 0 3 they