The Saints Spiritual! f irengtb. they may be exalted unto honour,then why fhould not you much more labour to bee in favour, and have familiarity with G o D3 who is the King of kings, and Lox D of lords,, who bath power to exalt one, and pull downe another; now if wee could but bring our hearts to beleeve this, that in itrengthning of the inward man, wee fhould get and grow in favour with Goa, then men would bee itirred up to fet upon this worke : yet withall, you mutt know that by the ftrength of the inward man, you doe not pleafe G OD by merit, for fo Chrift only, and none but Chrift pleafeth God bat when you firengthen the inward man you pleafe God; by obje , becaufe you chufe grace and holineffe,and his favour above all things: Me- rit was the fame argument which Chrift ufed un- to his Father, when hee would have his Father to glorifie him,lohn 17. 4,5. Father I haveglorified thee on earth : I have frnifhedthe worke, &c. there - fore, Father, glorifie me, that is, I have merited this at thy hands, that thou fhouldett glorifiemee, be- caufe I have perfectly pleafed thee in doing thy will. But an argument drawne from the obj , is char, which Chrift ufeth to his Difciples, Herein t' my Fat hergéored,t ht you bring forth much fruit when you grow fl:rong in the inward man, and can bring forth fruit agreeable unto his will, you pleafe God: And therefore it is, that the Scripture fens forth the members of CHR r s r by the Olive tree, and by fweere oyie, the one frill of fatneffe, the other full of fweetneífe; fo the inward nian mlkes