TheSaints Spirituali flrength. 101 makes a man fat, rich in grace, and oyle as the na- ture of it is, to cheere and beautifie the counte- nance, fo doth grace; it fweetens the foule, and makes it beautifull unto G "o D : Therefore let this moove you to ftrengthen the inward man, that thereby you may pleafe God. The third motive, to perfwade you to ftreng- then the inward man, is this, becaufe this inward ftrength drawes on the outward ftrength, that is, it makes the outward Length more. pro(perous. Now who wò +.ild not thrive in the things of-the World r but if you turne ir, the contrary will not hold fo, for the outward ftrength will not draw on the inward ftrength; therefore our Saviour faith, Seeke you firit the I ingdorne of heaven , and the righteoufne ffe thereof, and then all things /ball bee ad- ded unto you ; the way for you to thrive in the out- ward man is, firft .to get ftrength in the inward man; Seeke you fitft grace and thrift, and holi- nefle: and' then the effect will follow, All things, -that is, what you fhall Rand in need of, (hall be gi- ven you, and Efa. 48.18. The Lord faith, O that my people had but a heart to confider, that is, oh that my people would but bee wife; Fiat, to ftrengthen the inward man, and then as it fol- lowes, your prosperity fhould bee as the flouds, then your outward ftrength and prosperity fhould . abound like flouds : againe Prov. 32.4. The wife man faith, that thereward of holineffeis, riches, and honorer, and life : hee that is ftrong inthe in- ward man, (hall have whatfoever maybe neceffiry or 3. Mot, ve. Match. f.33. lfai 48 r8, Pro. 12. 4.