xva the Saints Spiritual) ftrength. or 'good for thcourward man:and,therefore -twee lhould f);rive to gro*:Bong in the inward man, that is, to bee full of grace and wifedome, efpeci- ally againfi evil) daies againft they come,that when they come wee may haverength to beare them : now the inward man will beare a mountaine of aft fli ti:ons and reproches, which will pretfe and `! fqueefe the outward man to powder : The pit of a man svii! beare his infirmities, but a wounded Con. Science who can beare ? If the inward man be weake, who can bare the burthen of afflictions and thé like,but if the inward man be thong,, then the Will will beare a part, and the affetions wil beare a part with the conlcience, and fo the burthen will bee the lighter, but if you be not Thong in theinvvard man,. it is unpoflïbie that you fhould.bea_te them therefore let us not bufie our felves about fantafies, and vaine things that will Rand us in no £lead, but let us labour to ftrengthen the inward man. 4. Motive. The fourth t iótive, to periwade you toflren- then the inward man, is becá.ufe a man :i that) which hee is, in the inward man, 4 man without the! inward man, is but as a fcaberd without a fword; that' is worth nothing, and therefore-the wife man-faith,; That the righteous man is more excellenrilawh s neighbour, the excellency wherein hee loth exL cad hin', is in the inward man : and therefore ltxi ., iitt t ae asst. cles, wli n hee would fee forth tic Iei<cell cy 'qf. his Spoufe, hee°fairh, ,Th41 lree w4ts fairer th4 thedatigbt:ers of Mtn, fkeistilta. in regard that fire is flronger in the ii ward man,+ '! I five;