The Saintt Spirituállftrength. io; thee is all glorious within , Pfal.45.13.that is, the 1 PCa1,45.=;. holy man doth as farte exceed the naturali mania beautie, as pearles exceed pible Clones, or gold I á bratfe, or flyer copper. I know any man doth de- G fire to be infome excellency, I fay it is a proper - " tie in nature to fake out fume excellency : then isit not the bell wifedome to feeke it in the bet} things, in the inward mane Now as there is meanes to bee rich in the outward man , fo there is meanes to bee rich in the inward man ; therefore I befeech you, ufe the meanes that you may bee rich in grace and holineffe, Prov.3o.2,9,3o. the Wife mansfpeech Pr1)40.2,2,30, there, may ferve to fet forth the excellency of that man, that is flrong in the inward man : there are 4.things, faith he,that are excellent, aLion, a Hee Goate, a Grey-hound, and a King, before whom there is no ftanding. So hee that is thong in the inward man : Fill, hee is as a Lion, that is, hee is ilrong in grace Secondly, he is as a Grey- hound, that is, ,hee is fwift in the performance of all holy duties : Thirdly, he is as a Hee Goate, profitable to God and the Church. Fourthly,bc is as a King, '' to rule and over -rule his bafe affections and lulls. Every fpirituall man is a King, becaufe he beares rule in the foule, but it is not fo with a wicked man, his tufts rule him : hee is a (lave and not a i king, and therefore the Apoflle faith, Let not finne ®m.8.1á, i reigne in your bodies,to obey it in the lints thereof. If it once reigne it will rule, and if it rule you mull o- bey, un:o whatfoever drudgery or flavery it en- s }dynes you : therefore labour to get ftrength in P the