Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Spirituallírength. 105 : that man miferable. Therefore keepe the Image of the inward man fafe, whatfoever becomes of the outward man. And there is good reafon why you fihould keepe the inward man fafe, becaufe it keeps the foule, and direas it unto its right end. In Ecclert a. the wife man faith , All things are vani- tie and vexation of fpirit : when a man lofes his happineffe in the inward man, though he keepe the outward man fecure , yet it were but vanitie and vexation of the fpirit. For hegoesbefides the rule hee fhould goo : there is a rule unto every creature that it is to goe by, and the nearer the creature comes unto the rule , the more excellent is the creature ; but if it goes befide the rule,, it lofeth its excellency : as for example , the fire and water are excellent creatures if they keepe to their rule, but if they exceed their rile, then they become hurtfull:4So the rule of the foule is the inwardman , that he grow in grace and holineffe, and the clofer you keepe to this the more ex- cellent you are : therefore that you may keepe your excellency , which you cannot doe, except you ftrengthen the inward man, let this moove you to doe it. In the third place, this may ferve for direction: Yfe 3 for you may fay unto mee, you have filmed us what this .inward man is , and the differences be- twixt the inward ftrength , and the outward ftrength, and you have alto laid downe motives to move us to ftrengthen the inward man , but a- las , how íhall wee ftrengthen the inward man e P 2 what