106 The Saints Spirátuall ftrengtb. what meanes (hall we ufe to doe Gar To helpe you in this worke I will lay do wne Come wearies by the uCe of which you may bee ftrengthened : but before I come unto the particulars, icwill not bee amiffe to ftand upon the generali and a little to perfwade you, but to delire to bee flrong; for if you could but bring your hearts unto this, but to delreto be flrengthened,it will be a great meanes to move you to prevaileagainft whatfoever may feeme to hinder you from it ; 'I fay, if you did but delire it : if you did but know the excellency of the inward man , it would worke a holy delire in you, and a true delire will let no meanes efcape, that may further it. This is the fame meanes 1 1 that ChfiI ufes onto his Difciples,when he would have them in love with Faith, if you had Faith, yea , but as much Faith as this graine of Muflard feed , you fhoultfbee able to remove mountaines: if you did but know the excellency of this Grace of Faith , you would delire it, and if yob did but delire it, you would never reft till you get it : fo if, you did but prize grace , and the inward man at a high rate you fhould bee fuie to have him 'you; Math, $.6. know the promu e, Matth. y. 6. Bleffed are !hey that hunger , and thirft after righteoufne ff , for they (hall be fatisfcd : therefore if you could but bring your hearts unto this frame as to hunger after the inward man , you fhould have him , or if you can but bring your hearts unto this temper , as to de- fire him , or feeke after the ftrengthofthe inward peov.=. ' man youfhould find him : Frov.2.4 Ifthou fear - i ' ' chef' ;